Chasing a sub 24hr WHW Race

The Prep! My first WHW race was in 2019 and completed in 26hr 36mins and 27sec and lets just say it was not a text book race . Through 2020 and 2021 I had keep myself busy with some long runs, so I was going into 2022 race with much more awareness off what to expect to run 95miles. All was pretty much going to plan until end Feb when I got covid. Although it was relatively mild, since then I had really been lacking any energy and training was feeling like a chore and really hard work. A couple of times I backed right off to see if that would help so the preparation had not been ideal. I was a few minutes quicker for the fling than previous year, but I was pretty broken by Balmaha and was not moving well after that so this did nothing to build the confidence for the WHW race. On reflection I had forgotten my chest heart rate monitor and think I had maybe just gone off a bit too hard – one day we will learn! I was lucky enough to get away to Crete 2 weeks before...