Ayrshire Coastal Path – Fastest Known Time Fri. 30th October 2020

The day started early with a 3.10am alarm call, and a 3.45am pick up by Mark Canning who was going to provide driving support for the rest of the day. The official start of the Ayrshire Coastal Path is a small carpark at Glenapp half way between Stranraer and Ballantrae. I have a bit of history with the ACP as 8 years ago I had bravely (or rather stupidly) suggested I could run it over two days. So with a 12hr run from Glenapp to Ayr, an overnight at home in Ayr, followed by a very painful 12hr stint saw me complete the 88mile route in 36hrs. This time I was aiming to do the extended route which took in local landmarks Burns Cottage, Dundonald Castle, Kilwinning Abbey and Knock Hill which according to the official guide book is 100miles. The longest I had run before was the 95mile West Highland Way Race in 2019 and I failed in my attempt to complete it in less than 24hrs https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blog/post/edit/4258126451196007456/2139774810999115412 After doing the Ring of Fire ( ...